
Risk Intel Threat Check

Tool provided by Hakdefnet

Privacy policy - EN

  1. You confirm by using this service that you have the permission to search for the domain, IP or email that you are searching. If not you are personally responsible for any and all damages and fines as a result of that illegal behavior.
  2. You accept our NDA and give us explicit permission to process your email, domain, ip or any information on returned results by using this free service.

Terms of use

  1. You accept our NDA and give us explicit permission to process your email, domain, ip or any returned results to contact you about a more detailed report or consulting.
  2. You may in no way, shape or form replication or copy this service or any of the results in any way.
  3. We accept no responsibility in any way for the results of the reports data or any damages as a result thereof.
  4. All purchases of reports are final, no returns, discounts or cancellations are allowed for any reason.
  5. Simple Indicator Report is 99€ and 169€ for Detailed Reports. By clicking order you agree to purchase a report. (+Tax)
  6. Larger Companies and Gov. Agencies / Embassies, etc. cost 299€+tax due to risk factor and types of data that need to be collected which includes up to 5 domains.


  1. You can get more details of the reports through us or via your trusted partners.
  2. Our email is [email protected] (for our direct customers)
  3. All info here is copyright and TM HDN International and MAG 2020